Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Complete 180

Well hello y'all!! It's been a long time since I've said that lovely southern word without a giggle or funny look coming from the people around me.

This past year has been somewhat of a crazy whirlwind. Last March I was a single, career driven young professional who ate out every meal and paid to get her laundry done. And today- I am a happily engaged housewife to be, cleaning up after my fiance in our new home and googling fun dinner recipes to try each night. Did I forget to mention... I've lived in 3 different states this year? Oh, and I own chickens. Like the title of this post- a complete 180.

I'm creating this blog to track my adventures, share my mishaps, and learn from others the tips and tricks of managing a household. Thanks for helping me along this journey!


  1. How fun Ashlyn!! Did you guys buy a house and have chickens in the backyard???

  2. We did buy a house!! You'll have to stop by when you come to visit Texas. We live pretty close to Grandma Mary. And yes- 3 chickens! We got them for my birthday. They will be laying in about a month :) Hope all is well with you!!

  3. I love that you have chickens! That is so great!! Fresh eggs - yum! I'd love to see your house! A tad jealous, haha! We want a house so badly but, not quite sure where we are going to settle yet. :)
